It's currently 7 am Prague time. For those of you who know anything about me know how I feel about early mornings. But for some reason I couldn't sleep last night...except I know exactly what that reason is. I know my time left here is so short I want to soak up every last minute of amazing-ness that Prague has to offer.
In the past 4 months I have had the hands down, most amazing experience of my entire life. I can't really put it into words.
I'll never forget the first day I arrived in Prague and my sister texting me asking if I had met anyone I really liked. I responded with, no one I think I will be really good friends with, but lot's of nice people. Ha! I was just a little wrong about that one. I have made some life long friends here, my BPF's (Best Prague Friends). Although we may not all get along all the time, our crazy Real World/Jersey Shore combo house is something I will never forget. Last night we all went to our favorite pizza place up the road, which just so happens to be the place we all went our first night together. Talk about coming full circle! I of course made everyone go around the table and say their favorite Prague memory, which turned into a big jumble of conversations about our amazing semester together. I love how different we all are, yet how special my relationship with each of my roommates is.
Yesterday as we were walking out the door to have our last dinner all together a nice American girl introduced herself to us, saying she had just moved in up stairs and was here for the summer. When we got back from dinner we went up and invited her over and then out with us. I think we all enjoyed spewing out all of our Prague knowledge for someone who was new here. Especially because we all remember what it was like our first few days. We overwhelmed her with spare change we weren't going to spend, a hair dryer, straightener, cell phone and more random things we planned on leaving behind. The plan for today is to meet up with her and take her around to some of our favorite places. Pretty great way to spend our last few days here!
Although it's been a roller coaster of emotions these last few days, I know, without any doubt in my mind, I will be back. Prague has given me so much, I think I owe it to make a return visit. ;)